Speakers from Authorities and Inspectorates:
Dr Rainer Gnibl
Government of Upper Franconia
Tor Gråberg
Swedish Medical Products Agency
Johanna Linnolahti
Finnish Medicines Agency (Fimea)
Mag. Dr Christina Meissner
Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES)
Edit Szöcs
Hungarian Drug Inspectorate, National Institute of Pharmacy (NIP)
Speakers from the Industry:
Justin Barry
Midatech Biogune
Richard M. Bonner
Chairman of the EQPA, form. with Eli Lilly
Dr Christopher Burgess
EQPA, form. with Glaxo
Dr Susanne Ding
Boehringer Ingelheim
Dr Marcel Goverde
MGP Consulting
Dr Afshin Hosseiny
Tabriz Consulting
Monika Hupfauf
CHG Czernich Lawyers
Dr Ulrich Kissel
Roche Pharma
Roger Lauwers
Janssen Pharmaceutica
Dr Wolfgang Loh
Immune Biotec
Dr Line Lundsberg-Nielsen
NNE Pharmaplan
Aidan Madden
Sue Mann
Sue Mann Consultancy
Katie Mortier
Janssen Pharmaceutica
Dr R. D. McDowall
R D McDowall Limited
Dr Bernd Renger
Immediate Past Chairman of the EQPA
Gillian Renouf
Chair of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society QP Assessor Panel
Andreas Schwinn
Roche Pharma
Alexandra Staerk
Niina Taylor
Liz Tolan
Philippe Van de Hofstadt
B&C Group
Mary-Anne Weatherhead
Alan Whiston
QA Resolutions
This Conference is designed by QPs for QPs as an international Expert Forum with focus on sharing information and experience and on discussing the critical areas of the QP's daily work.
In the last nine years, the European QP Association Forum has been becoming a major event for European Qualified Persons.
Speakers from EMA, FDA and various national authorities as well as QPs have been sharing their view of roles and responsibilities of the Qualified Person.
Hoping to continue the success of this unique Forum, the Advisory Board of the QP Association has set up the programme at hand for the 10th QP Forum to give you an update about recent developments and important matters to consider. Representatives from the authorities as well as QPs and well-known experts will present latest issues and share their point of view. During the three pre-conference sessions and the six parallel sessions at the Forum, various case studies will be presented and discussed to come up with possible solutions.
Make use of this event by exchanging experiences with your colleagues and by establishing informal contact and networking.
I would like to invite you to this outstanding event, and I look forward to meeting you.
Best regards,
Richard M. Bonner
Chairman of the Qualified Person Association
Target Group
The Forum is designed for all Qualified Persons and aspiring Qualified Persons. It also addresses upper management functions and authority representatives who want to be informed about the latest development regarding the duties and responsibilities of Qualified Persons.
Full Day Pre-Conference Session Specific Requirements for IMPs
Facilitated by:
IMP Working Group
New legislation impacting IMP QPs
Roundtable revised Annex 16: «to delegate or not to delegate»
GDP: The distribution of IMPs
Example: How to perform a risk assessment
Investigator initiated trials: Survey results
Interactive case studies: Decision making of IMP QPs
Interactive Q & A sessions
1/2 Day Pre-Conference Session Talking about Bacteria and QPs – The Co-operation between Microbiologists and QPs
Facilitated by:
Marcel Goverde / Alexandra Staerk / Mary-Anne Weatherhead
What the QP should know about microbiology
Deviation Management
How a QP should interpret the data
1/2 Day Pre-Conference Session Appropriate Quality of Excipients
Facilitated by:
Richard Bonner / Tony Scott / Edit Szõcs
QP survey on excipients: outcome and interpretation of the data
What level of GMP and supplier qualification is needed (and what is too much)
Challenges and solutions
QP Forum, 25 - 26 November 2015
Keynote: The QP Job - what about Ethics and Culture?
Comply or die?
Responsibility, confidence & dialogue: My triangle of orientation
Wolfgang Loh
The Falsified Medicines Directive: Harmonisation needed?
The Written Confirmation and the impact on global pharma
Differences of the transposition of the FMD into national law
Different countries - different approaches
The FMD: a more secure supply chain now?
Liz Tolan
The Falsified Medicines Directive: What will be important?
New packaging design and Change Control
Batch Record Review and batch release
How to handle returns (are all returns falsified medicines?)
What to do in the case of suspected falsification
Tor Gråberg
Data Integrity: what the QP needs to know
Why is it making everybody nervous?
Data Integrity in the own company
Data Integrity with suppliers and contractors
Dr Bob McDowell
PAT and Real Time Release: really a hot Topic for QPs?
What is the current status? (is anyone doing that at all?)
Things to consider for QPs
The link to process validation and master batch documentation
Dr Line Lundsberg-Nielsen
Cross Contamination Observations: what a QP can learn
Poor practices observed
Examples of deficiencies & recommendations
Recalls related to cross contamination
Risk Management
Why QPs should love Statistics (a final Presentation)
The power of statistical techniques and error theory
Statistical interpretation of data
What is necessary for QPs
Christopher Burgess
Parallel Sessions: Working on Case Studies
1) Update on GMP-relevant topics and what QPs are expected to do
Discussion, questions, answers
Bernd Renger and Rainer Gnibl
2) Annex 16 - Status quo and new tasks
QP Discretion
Ulrich Kissel and Christina Meissner
3) QP Scenarios - How serious could they be?
Make decisions based on real-life situations
Sue Mann and Gillian Renouf
4) The Role of the QP at the GMP/GCP interface
Where does the IMP QP responsibility end?
Where and when should the IMP QP be involved in the clinical trial (e.g. Site-to-site transfer, temperature excursions, shelf life extension, complaint handling, joint GMP/GCP inspections etc.)
Managing incidents at the GMP/GCP interface
IMP Working Group
5) The QP/GDP Interface
Where does responsibility end and when does it come back?
QP and RP co-operation
Deviations in the supply chain: reporting and handling
Johanna Linnolahti and Aidan Madden
6) The QP and Contracts
What does a QP need to know?
EU regulations vs. non-EU regulations - what counts?
How to keep the overview
Involvement of the QP
Afshin Hosseiny and Monika Hupfauf
You will be able to attend three of these parallel sessions. Please choose the ones you like to attend when you register for the Forum.
Q&A Session
During the 2 days of the Forum, delegates can post their questions. The answers will be given by the expert speakers in a dedicated session and/or published in the members' area of the EQPA web-site.
This training/webinar cannot be booked. Send us your inquiry by using the following contact form.
To find alternative dates for this training/webinar or similar events please see the complete list of all events.
For many training courses and webinars, there are also recordings you can order and watch any time. Just take a look at the complete list of all recordings.
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Tel.: +49 6221 8444-0
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