Receive Templates for your Product Transfer for free
After the changes in chapter 4 of the EU GMP Guide have become effective, written procedures and documentation of the transfer activities are required. For example, a Transfer SOP, transfer plan and report have become mandatory this way.
As a participant of the GMP education course "GMP-compliant Product Transfer" in Vienna, Austria, from 12-14 November 2013 you will receive a special version of the Guideline Manager CD with a special section concerning product transfers. This section contains, amongst others, a Transfer SOP and a template for a Transfer Plan. Both documents are in Word format and can immediately be used after adoption to your own situation.
Regulatory Guidance Documents like the WHO guideline on transfer of technology in pharmaceutical manufacturing and the EU/US Variation Guidelines, are also part of the Guideline Manager CD. Due to copyright reasons, this CD is not available for purchase and can only be handed out to participants of the transfer course.