Important Information for Course Participants regarding the Consequences of the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic on ECA Academy Events
The ECA Academy has decided to conduct many courses and conferences online until further notice. If you have already registered for an event that was planned in a seminar hotel, this registration will be rebooked to the online event. You will be informed in good time. Alternatively you can also transfer your registration to an alternative date in 2021 if available.
Events we conduct on site at the hotel are realized on the basis of the comprehensive hygiene plan of the ECA Academy and the conference hotel. With the ECA you can be sure that the microbiologists and pharmacists from CONCEPT HEIDELBERG - who organize and conduct all events on our behalf - will plan and implement the measures according to the state of the art and the situation. We will provide you with detailed information before the event.
We are monitoring the situation as it evolves and we are also already working closely with the speakers of future events. We will also continue to inform you about the further development, but would like to ask you to check our website directly about the current status as well. The website will be continuously updated.