German Federal Cabinet passes Cannabis Act
23/24 October 2024
Requirements, Challenges & Solutions
On 16 August 2023, the German Federal Cabinet adopted the draft of an "Act on the Controlled Use of Cannabis and on the Amendment of Further Regulations" (Cannabis Law - CanG).
In the submitted draft bill of the BMG, these two new acts were still planned:
- The Cannabis Cultivation Act - CanAnbauG in Article 1 and the
- Act on the Supply of Cannabis for Medical and Medical-Scientific Purposes (Medizinal-Cannabisgesetz - MedCanG) in Article 2.
Compared to the BMG draft bill, the following articles are included in the draft Act that has now been passed:
- Article 1: Act on the Handling of Cannabis for Consumption (Consumption Cannabis Act - KCanG).
- Article 2: Act on the supply of cannabis for medical and medical-scientific purposes (Medizinal-Cannabisgesetz - MedCanG).
The MedCanG is essentially to be based on the regulations of the German Narcotics Act (Betäubungsmittelgesetz - BtMG), which have proven themselves in practice. Medical cannabis will continue to be subject to prescription.
The essential regulations can be found in the press release of the BMG.
Already save the date: the next GMP for Cannabis Conference will be held Live Online on 5/6 June 2024.
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