FDA defines 25 SOP provisions required by CFR
The latest edition of the Federal Register* (Vol. 76, No. 188 / Wednesday, September 28, 2011) shows a very good summary of SOPs required by 21 CFR Part 211:
"Written procedures (standard operating procedures - SOPs), are required for many Part 211 records. The current SOP requirements were initially provided in a final rule published in the Federal Register of September 29, 1978 (43 FR 45014), and are now an integral and familiar part of the drug manufacturing process."
The 25 SOPs provisions under Part 211 include:
- Section 211.22(d)-Responsibilities and procedures of the quality control unit;
- Section 211.56(b)-Sanitation procedures
- Section 211.56(c)-Use of suitable rodenticides, insecticides, fungicides, sanitizing agents;
- Section 211.67(b)-Cleaning and maintenance of equipment;
- Section 211.68(a)-Proper performance of automatic, mechanical, and electronic equipment;
- Section 211.80(a)-Receipt, identification, storage, handling, sampling, testing, and approval or rejection of components and drug product containers or closures;
- Section 211.94(d)-Standards or specifications, methods of testing, and methods of cleaning, sterilizing, and processing to remove pyrogenic properties for drug product containers and closures;
- Section 211.100(a)-Production and process control;
- Section 211.110(a)-Sampling and testing of in-process materials and drug products;
- Section 211.113(a)-Prevention of objectionable microorganisms in drug products not required to be sterile;
- Section 211.113(b)-Prevention of microbiological contamination of drug products purporting to be sterile, including validation of any sterilization process;
- Section 211.115(a)-System for reprocessing batches that do not conform to standards or specifications, to insure that reprocessed batches conform with all established standards, specifications, and characteristics;
- Section 211.122(a)-Receipt, identification, storage, handling, sampling, examination and/or testing of labeling and packaging materials;
- Section 211.125(f)-Control procedures for the issuance of labeling;
- Section 211.130-Packaging and label operations, prevention of mixup and cross contamination, identification and handling of filed drug product containers that are set aside and held in unlabeled condition, and identification of the drug product with a lot or control number that permits determination of the history of the manufacture and control of the batch;
- Section 211.142-Warehousing;
- Section 211.150-Distribution of drug products;
- Section 211.160-Laboratory controls;
- Section 211.165(c)-Testing and release for distribution;
- Section 211.166(a)-Stability testing;
- Section 211.167-Special testing requirements;
- Section 211.180(f)-Notification of responsible officials of investigations, recalls, reports of inspectional observations, and any regulatory actions relating to good manufacturing practice;
- Section 211.198(a)-Written and oral complaint procedures, including quality involving specifications failures, and serious and unexpected adverse drug experiences;
- Section 211.204-Holding, testing, and reprocessing of returned drug products; and
- Section 211.208-Drug product salvaging.
*The Federal Register is the official publication for Presidential Documents and Executive Orders as well as Notices, Rules and Proposed Rules from Federal Agencies and Organizations in the US.
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