Classification of Dosage Forms according to the USP

The USP classification ("Taxonomie") of pharmaceutical dosage forms is presented in an article of the USP Pharmacopeial Forum 39 (3). The USP categorises 5 different dosage forms:

  • Injections and implanted drug products (parenteral) 
  • Oral drug products
  • Topical and transdermal drug products
  • Mucosal drug products ( = dosage forms absorbed via the mucous membranes)
  • Products for inhalation or nasal administration

The USP is currently elaborating a General Chapter for each of these 5 medicinal product groups. The fundamental requirements can already be found in Chapter <1151> on pharmaceutical dosage forms. Moreover, it is planned to create additional chapters about the 5 product groups mentioned above - if this has not been done yet - among other things also regarding the quality requirements on these products and the relevant "Performance Tests" which are essential for each dosage form.

The article "Product Quality and Product Performance General Chapters" in PF 39 (3) clearly describes the planned approach and the classification of the USP. The table at the end provides a good overview of each chapter and the current status of implementation.

More information can be found in the Pharmacopeial Forum.

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