CHMP confirms Suspension of Marketing Authorizations with Studies of Synapse Labs

The re-examination by the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) confirms the suspension of marketing authorizations with bioequivalence studies of Synapse Labs Pvt. Ltd.

In July 2023, critical inspection findings at Synapse Labs Pvt. Ltd, a contract research organization (CRO) in India, led the EMA to initiate an Article 31 referral procedure to assess the impact on the benefits and risks of medicinal products authorized on the basis of studies conducted at the CRO. After reviewing all information for the over 400 medicinal products tested by Synapse Labs Pvt. on behalf of EU companies, the CHMP has recommended the suspension for numerous generic marketing authorizations. For some marketing authorizations, sufficient data are available to demonstrate bioequivalence. For all other medicinal products, no or insufficient data were available to demonstrate bioequivalence. National authorities can defer the suspension of medicinal products of critical importance for a maximum of two years and companies must submit the required bioequivalence data for these medicinal products within one year. Applicants and marketing authorization holders have requested the CHMP to re-examine its opinion. In March 2024, the CHMP confirmed and adopted its final opinion.

This confirmation concludes the re-examination for some of the medicinal products concerned. The opinion will now be forwarded to the European Commission, which will take a final decision that is legally binding in all EU Member States.

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